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CCJA 成人爵士小团体

2018 年,CCJA 寻求为有才华和好奇的成年音乐家创建一个组织分支,为 18 岁及以上的成年人提供该组织同样出色的爵士乐教育节目。 CCJA 成人小组由专业导师领导,偶尔也会有近乎同行的导师协助。这些导师都是多才多艺的专业音乐家,他们中的大多数人还在大学任教,他们有丰富的经验可以与各个年龄段的学生分享。 在此处了解有关我们教师的更多信息。


丹佛 CCJA 成人小组将在整个学年(秋季、冬季和春季)以每周排练的形式举行为期 5 周和 10 周的会议,CCJA 学生和教师在学习爵士即兴演奏时一起演奏和表演,技术、风格、理论和历史。夏季产品也将提供。鼓励学生即兴地表达自己,并通过为他们的团体作曲/安排。 在每节课结束时,CCJA 成人团体  为公众表演,通常在著名的爵士乐场地。

取消政策:课程开始后,CCJA 只能为未来的 CCJA 计划提供部分现金退款或全额学分。

Spring 2025

Denver Adult Small Groups

Denver Adult Small Groups

The Denver CCJA Adult Group is a 10 week course with 10 rehearsals and a performance. There, CCJA students and faculty play and perform together as they study jazz improvisation, technique, style, theory, and history. Each group is directed by a professional musician in the Denver music scene. Students are encouraged to express themselves improvisationally and through composing/arranging for their groups.

Tuition for this session is $365. Rehearsals take place from 7-8:30pm at 800 Kalamath.



February 4, 11, 18, 25

March 4, 11

April 1, 8, 15, 22

Performance: April 27th

@ 800 Kalamath



February 6, 13, 20, 27

March 6, 13

April 3, 10, 17, 24

Performance: April 27th

@ 800 Kalamath

Join our Funk/R&B group! If there are not enough members to form a full group, you will be put in one of our normal small groups

Boulder Adult Small Groups

Boulder Adult Small Group

The Boulder CCJA Adult Group is a 10 week course with 10 rehearsals and a concert. There, CCJA students and faculty play and perform together as they study jazz improvisation, technique, style, theory, and history. Each group is directed by a professional musician in the Colorado music scene. Students are encouraged to express themselves improvisationally and through composing/arranging for their groups.

Tuition for this session is $365. Rehearsals will take place from 7-8:30pm at the Carlson Gym on the CU Boulder campus.


February 6, 13, 20, 27 March 6, 13 April 3, 10, 17, 24

Performance: April 27th @ 800 Kalamath

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©2021 科罗拉多音乐学院爵士艺术

CCJA 是一家 501(c)3 非营利组织。

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