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科罗拉多爵士艺术学院 (CCJA) 是一个独特的非营利组织  ,致力于让年轻人通过美国艺术形式的语言——爵士乐创造性地表达自己。

About US

Paul 和 Christine Romaine 对他们为青少年创造独特爵士乐节目的愿景充满热情,于 1999 年末合伙创立了 CCJA。六名学生注册了第一次小组会议,他们在学年期间每周见面,并在专业爵士音乐家导师的指导下在一个小型爵士乐队中演奏和表演。该计划继续发展,2003 年 3 月,CCJA 成为科罗拉多州的非营利组织,并于 2004 年初获得 501(c)(3) 身份。最初的“小组计划”已扩展到 Front Range 的多个地点,包括丹佛 - CCJA 的总部所在地 -  Boulder 县和柯林斯堡。今天,CCJA 在整个学年和夏季为超过 100 名学生提供服务,自成立以来的 20 年中,CCJA 已经为数千名青少年提供服务,其中许多人继续作为爵士艺术家开创了成功的职业生涯,或者拥有深深欣赏爵士乐伴他们进入成年期。


自 CCJA 成立以来,节目扩展至包括:夏令营(爵士新兵训练营)、 CCJA 暑期学院科罗拉多州Sangres de Cristo 山脉的爵士乐夏令营声乐爵士节目鼓励更多年轻女性参与的节目在 jazz CCJA 大乐队CCJA 街头乐队、  向地区公立学校的外展计划、扩大的公共表演、引导公共青年即兴演奏会、爵士乐工作坊、同伴指导计划、唱片和音乐行业计划以及幼儿音乐教育计划KinderBop 。当 Covid-19 大流行开始时,CCJA 开始提供免费的在线丰富系列,包括“深入挖掘” - 由 CCJA 教职员工领导的基于主题的在线大师班系列 - 和“CCJA 周日” ,它们为我们的全球社区带来了最好的免费采访世界各地的爵士艺术家和行业专家。


在过去的二十年里,CCJA 学生团体已经为数以万计的人演出,目的是让爵士乐——美国珍贵的艺术形式——不断具有相关性。 CCJA 的所有节目都由有成就的专业爵士音乐家指导,他们继续将他们丰富的知识、经验和智慧传授给下一代。无论学生是继续专业演奏还是为了享受乐趣,他们的生活都因参加 CCJA 的计划而得到丰富,他们的自我表达也得到了增强。


CCJA 工作人员




作为 CCJA 的执行董事,Romaine 女士提供行政领导并管理其日常运营。她在这个职位上身兼数职,并依靠对爵士乐和青年的热情、多元化的背景、对学习的热爱和足智多谋来做到这一点。 Romaine 女士与艺术总监、董事会、项目助理和教师一起参与规划和制定项目政策、目标和优先事项,并指导 CCJA 战略行动和筹款计划的制定。

Romaine 女士在丹佛大学获得经济学和公共政策文学学士学位,并在拉蒙特音乐学院辅修音乐。后来她获得了中学教学证书,并在樱桃溪公立学校教授社会研究(和一些音乐)五年。克里斯随后被她长大的创业虫咬住,并开始了一家茶店/餐厅/邮购/餐饮业务,她与母亲和姐姐一起经营,直到 1999 年出售。一旦出售,她和保罗决定尝试一下他们的爵士教育计划,CCJA(科罗拉多爵士艺术学院)诞生了。社区似乎需要 CCJA,并且它继续发展到将其改为非营利组织并从社区引入董事会、志愿者和更多人的地步。事实证明,Romaine 女士发现,她在青少年时期通过爵士乐找到自己声音的个人经历和她的教学背景,再加上现实生活中的课程和拥有一家企业的经验,对她担任执行董事的职位很有帮助.

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Paul Romaine 曾领导、录制或与无数丹佛地区最优秀的球员以及国际知名艺术家合作,如 Eddie Harris、Benny Golson、James Moody、Randy Brecker、Jimmy Heath、Dr. Lonnie Smith、Chris Potter、Christian McBride 、罗伯塔·甘巴里尼、彼得·伯恩斯坦、拉里·戈尔丁斯、休斯顿人、查理·劳斯、埃迪·戈麦斯、鲍比·沃森、杰克·麦克达夫、克拉克·特里和伍迪·赫尔曼管弦乐队。 Paul 与众多团体合作,包括 Convergence、The Ken Walker Sextet、Big Swing Trio、Jazz Worms 和 Peter Sommer Septet,他还在那里创作并录制了广受好评的 CD。

自 2005 年以来,保罗一直在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的音乐系任教,并在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校任教。作为一名临床医生,他体验到了指导的力量,并与他的妻子克里斯一起,对爵士教育形成了独特的愿景,并共同创立了非营利性的科罗拉多爵士艺术音乐学院。作为艺术总监,他为科罗拉多州各个年龄段的学生开发了独特的节目,他们一起演奏并与专业音乐家一起学习。保罗很荣幸获得美国教育部颁发的总统学者计划教师表彰奖。


Ann Bowar, Grant Writer

Ann Bowar has been a CCJA parent for many years, her four sons having participated in the program on piano, percussion, bass and saxophone. During this time, she also served on CCJA's Board of Directors, performing the roles of Vice President and Secretary. After finishing her 6th and final year on the board, Chis & Paul invited her to join the staff to expand CCJA's engagement and development efforts.  Ann is delighted to continue her involvement with CCJA, and looks forward to helping grow the support for CCJA's programs so the organization can continue to foster jazz education and appreciation for many years to come!  


Ann's career has revolved around marketing and education. Prior to joining CCJA, she worked at the University of Denver, as a student advisor at Korbel School for International Studies and as an events and external engagement manager in the Daniels College of Business. She started her career in the NYC area, doing marketing for Berlitz International and American Express. She has an MBA from the Kellogg School at Northwestern and a BA in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame.


Jonathan Zimny,项目助理

Jonathan Zimny 是来自加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托的长号手、歌手、作曲家和教育家。他由两位乐队导演抚养长大,从小就热爱并深深地投入到音乐中。

他于 2010 年移居科罗拉多,就读于北科罗拉多大学,并获得爵士研究学士学位。在那里,Zimny 师从 Nat Wickham 博士,并在 Dana Landry 的指导下与 UNC Jazz Lab Band 1 一起演出。在 Lab 1 期间,乐队获得了 Downbeat 杂志颁发的最佳毕业爵士乐团奖。 Zimny 于 2018 年在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校完成了硕士学位,并获得了爵士乐表演和教育学硕士学位,并师从 Paul McKee。 

Zimny 曾与丹佛和加利福尼亚的众多艺术家一起演出,巡演过中国和哥斯达黎加,在游轮上演出,并且可以听到为流行电影 Sing 录制的歌曲“Faith”。他还为蓝色骑士鼓和号角军团以及幻影军团鼓和号角军团教授低铜管乐器,目前在野马踩踏铜管乐队。

乔纳森自 2018 年以来一直在 CCJA 工作,教授中学组合和大乐队,并帮助举办爵士训练营、桑格雷斯爵士乐、CCJA 街头乐队和丹佛爵士乐日等项目。

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Domi Edson, Small Group and Summer Institute Director

Domi Edson is an award winning bassist, composer, and arranger originally from Seattle, WA. She graduated with a B.A. in Classical Bass Performance from Central Washington University in 2019 and received a Master’s degree in Jazz Studies from the University of Northern Colorado in 2021.

Domi leads her own group the Domi Edson Trio, which in addition to having 2 albums (the second of which is being released in September 2022), have performed at Dazzle, Nocturne, The Muse, Frankie’s Jazz Club (Vancouver, Canada), The Royal Room (Seattle), Boxley’s (North Bend, WA), KUVO, Five Points Jazz Festival, and other locations across the Front Range and the Pacific Northwest. As a sidewoman, Domi has performed with Terrell Stafford, Charles McPherson, Greg Gisbert, Dawn Clement, Gayelynn McKinney, and many more. In addition to her performance career, Domi is also a passionate educator. She has served as president or vice president on Jazz Education Network student chapter boards at both CWU and UNC and founded and organized both Universities’ Women in Jazz Day festivals.



Jake Alvarez, AV and Production Director

Jake Alvarez is a passionate eductor, performer, and multi-instrumentalist based out of sunny Denver,  Colorado. Having picked up guitar at the age of five,  his love for music only continued to grow as his undying passion for music was fostered by the educators he had the privilege of studying under in his youth,  and early adult life. Studying under the stellar tutelage of the multitude of world class instructors at the Colorado Conservatory for the Jazz arts from 2007-2012, he now teaches for, and is the Marketing Coordinator for the Conservatory. The education in music that he recieved there allowed him the opportunity to attend the Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver, which led to him being able to perform at several notable jazz clubs in the area, and even for international dignitaries such as former Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex. Currently a member of the Diamond Empire wedding band, studio musician for Third and James Record Label, and a musician who plays with a multitude of other ensembles and projects in the Denver-Metro area; Jake is always trying to branch out and breach new musical boundaries. Should you ever need instruction on guitar,  bass, drums, keyboard,  songwriting and composition,  or electronic music production; look no further. Jake will help you find the sound that you are looking for!



Bailey Hinkley Grogan, Marketing Director

Bailey Elizabeth Hinkley Grogan is a jazz vocalist, songwriter, educator, and performer based out of Denver, CO and Los Angeles, CA. Her bright, yet melancholy sound is a reflection of her deep study into the jazz idiom while simultaneously playing homage to her infleucnces. Her improvisatory style is fearless and bold, while her songwriting and lyrical delivery reflects the raw, emotional heartache and undying beauty found in her life story. In 2024, Grogan released her debut album, Three Sides of a Story which features a series of vocal and instrumental duos that illustrates Grogan’s vocal and jazz mastery.                  

She received her Bachelors in Jazz Studies from Indiana University in 2017 and her Master of Jazz Studies from California State University Long Beach in 2019. In 2019 she was awarded the Outstanding Creativity Award and the Distinguished Achievement in Creative Activity for her work on her graduate thesis project at California State University Long Beach. She received her Doctor of Musical Arts in Studio Music Jazz Voice from the University of Miami in May 2023 where she served as a Henry Mancini Fellow at the Henry Mancini Institute directed by Maria Schneider. In 2024, she received the Downbeat Student Music Award for the Graduate Jazz Vocalist category and has received acclaim for her doctoral research, “The Lives and Careers of Six Female Black Instrumentalists.” This research has been presented at the Jazz Education Network Conference, the Association for Popular Music Education conference, the Reno Jazz Festival, and the College Music Society Conference.


While Bailey has been heavily involved in various academic credentials, she spends her free time performing with a quartet in her hometown of Denver Colorado as well as the greater Los Angeles area. She is a regular performer at Dazzle Jazz and Nocturne in Downtown Denver.

Board Members

CCJA 董事会

Erika Enger,  总裁  德文能源高级委员会

杰森·鲁普,副总裁 CableLabs 首席架构师

JP Tremblay, 司库 ENGAGE  首席财务官

杰克·阿尔瓦雷斯,  秘书   丹佛大学音乐家和教育家 

Joe Anderies,  科罗拉多大学音乐家和教育家

Ann Bowar,   丹佛大学雷曼金融学院 

Visda Carson,  利兹商学院,  科罗拉多大学

Adam Chasnow, Fortnight Collective 首席创意官

Greg Kishiyama,  Farnsworth Group 工程经理

Matt Loran, MD,  博尔德社区卫生医生

Patrick McDevitt,   音乐家和教育家,丹佛大学 

Na'im McKee,   增长营销副总裁,AboveBoard  

Adisa Nickerson, 科罗拉多基督教大学招生顾问

Sonda Wynn, Learning & Development Consultant, VP, Bank of the West

Rasam Thillairajah,  CCJA 学生委员会成员


CCJA 赞助商

Think 360 Arts and Equity in Arts Learning


















Mighty Fine Productions 

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Big Gigantic


Colorado Creative Industries

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89.3 KUVO


Thompson Jazz Studies Program





Metropolitan State University











Ross Double Bass




Drum City Guitarland

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Schramm Foundation

Bowen Family Performing Arts Fund

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©2021 科罗拉多音乐学院爵士艺术

CCJA 是一家 501(c)3 非营利组织。

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